Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cucumber Caprese Salad

So after moving, the stove broke. What's a starving newlywed to do? Create this!

My guy doesn't like avocado or mozzarella,
so I ate copious amounts of it when first making this glorious twist on caprese.
I replaced the tomato with beets, as I am a tomato hater and we both like beets. Mmm!
It is a great summer dish, easy to put together, tasty, and no need to wait to consume!
Actually, the fresher this is the better.

After making it a second time, it is apparent that:
1. The measurements might be off in this recipe. Just eyeball it and use your best judgement.
2. Adding artichoke hearts makes is just as or even more delicious!
3. Adding radishes also provides a nice crunch.

The second time around, I omitted the avocado and mozzarella.
Didn't miss the avocado, but the cheese is necessary!

Difficulty Level: 0-1. Depends and how skilled you are cutting avocados (and the ripeness of it)!
Yum Factor: 4

Monday, July 13, 2015

Easiest BBQ Chicken Ever

After a brief hiatus,
hopefully I will be back to deliver you the best of Pinterest recipes,
and which ones to steer clear of!

Being married now (what a difference a year makes!)
will hopefully provide me more opportunities to test out recipes.
This recipe came about because my guy owns a crock pot.

It is advertised at the best and easiest ever...I would agree with the later.
Following the recipe with Trader Joe comparable ingredients for the most part,
the chicken was somewhat dry and not well seasoned.
My guy is convinced to improve upon it,
but I'm hoping to find a better recipe out there. What do you think?

Difficulty Level: 1. Dump in crockpot and wait 3-4 hours.
Yum Factor: 2. Sauce was decent.