While the cider mills back home have their opening weekend (insert crying emoji),
summer is in full swing in the mid-Atlantic.
The best part about not renting anymore is we have a grill.
It may the the world's smallest grill, but we can grill darn it!
Looking for an easy, flavorful dinner recipe? Look no further than these kabobs!
Love that it makes good use out of an open bottle of wine and
that the marinade comprises of ingredients already in the cabinet!
I usually leave the steak marinating during the day or overnight.
I always omit the bay leaves...not a fan.
Easy to grill up with kabob veggies already assembled on skewers at Trader Joe's!
Simple and delicious summer dinner! We have it almost once a week!
Difficulty Level: 1? The grilling (which E does, not me)
Yum Factor: 4 The higher the quality of meat used, the better