I intend to post every weekend, but life gets in the way sadly.
So, spaghetti squash is pretty much the best thing ever.
Low carb, so versatile, and I prefer it to regular spaghetti.
If you looked in my pantry, you would see me hoarding spaghetti squash!
(I may have a problem...)
This spaghetti squash casserole recipe (though I prefer to call it a bake)
is great to take to lunch throughout the week or if you have a few people to feed at dinnertime.
Trader Joe's had an Autumn Harvest pasta sauce that was magical!
But it is seasonal, and I caught it on the tail end,
so I did not hoard it after trying it and falling in love.
Whole Foods as recently as a week ago had a Pumpkin pasta sauce
that also was lovely in this bake.
Just use your favorite pasta sauce. :)
I enjoy adding some shredded parmesan to the top of this.
Who doesn't like melted cheese?!
So easy, so yummy.
Bake and you are set for the week for lunch!
Difficulty Level: 1
Yum Factor: 3.5