It may be pumpkin season...
but it is also spaghetti squash season!
But, before we get to that,
I am shocked it has been over a month since posting!
Guess interviews, having 3 jobs,
and a possible move are all quite time consuming.
Back to the spaghetti squash!
Many recipes out there use it as a pasta substitute in many Italian-inspired dishes.
(even though this easy spaghetti squash & meatballs recipe is possibly my all-time fav)
So, imagine my excitement when I stumbled upon a spaghetti squash pad thai recipe!
And it is delicious!
Changes I made:
(mostly due to wanting to save $ and being lazy)
Frozen fully cooked shrimp instead of rotisserie chicken
Haphazard pad thai sauce instead of store bought sauce
Perhaps the pad thai sauce needs an explanation.
TJ's does not sell pad thai sauce, and usually I prefer to do all shopping in one stop,
if at all possible.
So I simply looked up the ingredients usually in a pad thai sauce, and went from there!
Will be making this spaghetti squash pad thai again and again!
Difficulty Level: low 2
Yum Factor: 5!