Mmm, overpriced coffee drinks. Don't get me wrong, I <3 Starbucks, but if you crave it everyday, your debit card will not! This was the first recipe that I used a blender for (yes I am sheltered). I used vanilla soy milk instead of fat free milk (since I already consume milk with my cereal for breakfast). This is a great drink to make the night before work, stick it in the fridge, and grab and go the next morning. Who wants to use, let alone hear, a blender at 5 a.m.?!? Yummy and doesn't make me miss Starbucks...too much. :)
UPDATE: Modifications that make it more drinkable and less icy:
1. use 1 cup vanilla soy milk
2. use 6 ice cubes
Difficulty Level: 0-1. Crushing ice is difficult! But I found using ice cubes you recently froze make it easier.
Yum Factor: 3.5. Delicious on a warm drive to work.
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