Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Bacon Bourbon Meatballs (Keto)

It's almost grilling time!
Before I drive E crazy with how many kabobs I want to make,
here's some comfort food, keto style.

E finally has jumped on the keto train with me,
even though we agreed to start this January.
Oh well, better late than never!

He is a particularly picky eater (doesn't like chocolate?)
but is ALWAYS down for bacon!

So thank goodness for these bacon bourbon meatballs!

They were quite tasty, but:
1. the sauce was too bourbon-y, even after letting it reduce
2. I slightly undercooked the meatballs...
pretty sure Gordon Ramsey would yell at me for this!
3. I used pre-cooked bacon from Trader Joe's

Would definitely make again!
With less bourbon, cooking meatballs longer, etc.

Oh, and if you make this without pre-cooked bacon, let me know!

At a loss for a side dish with the meatballs?
I wanted to do mashed cauliflower, but TJ's was out.
Think we went with asparagus.

Difficulty Level: 2
Yum Factor: 3.75-4

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